Stop Attacking Doctors and Show Us Your Plan to Stop COVID-19 Spread

Governor Ron DeSantis: STOP Your COVID-19 Victory Lap and Come Up With a Plan To Save Lives

Florida is home to 20 million Americans and they are in a COVID-19 CRISIS yet again.

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Floridians have died in 18 months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Daily Covid-19 Cases are now at
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and counting.

Ron DeSantis needs to stop patting himself on the back and instead be a leader that ensures Floridians take COVID-19 seriously before more lives are lost. His self-serving spin and victory lap doesn’t hide the fact that he:

Each time DeSantis has taken a bow for kicking COVID-19 in the teeth, cases in Florida have spiked, and more people have gotten sick or died. It’s time to tell Ron DeSantis to STOP his victory lap and actually make changes that save Floridian and American lives.

Tell DeSantis: Back and promote the safe and effective vaccines PROVEN to drastically slow cases, prevent serious disease, and prevent COVID-19 deaths.

Tell DeSantis: Implement protective measures to STOP this 4th wave of the deadly Delta variant before more Floridians lose their lives.

Tell DeSantis: Stop attacking Doctors and Nurses working tirelessly to get the pandemic under control once and for all.

We can't let Ron DeSantis continue his misinformation campaign and dangerous victory lap.

Tell Gov. Ron DeSantis to STOP his victory lap and show us his COVID-19 plan!

Paid for by Committee to Protect Health Care